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Balancing Act: Navigating Diet and Exercise for Optimal Health

Writer's picture: cafeidlycafeidly

Updated: Jul 12, 2024


You don't necessarily need to increase your exposure to complex, highly specialised nutrition knowledge, or contemporary food culture, to grasp the nutritional, health, and eating habits relationship. Moreover, unlike being an expert in physical training or anatomy you might easily find out that our mental state and our physical performance are intertwined. Although, it seems to be harder than we think. It is an amazing evolutionary divergence in society that has added complication to the most simple and natural activity which is finding a diet that any other animal would enjoy and also going on with a life uncomplicated by these apprehensions. However, for the lucky individuals who managed to get an invite to the party, the dilemma is on its way. Now we are too intelligent for the human race, and we have made our food system too erratic for our own good.

From ancient times (and it may have even preceded it) we have heard and read that physical exercise and proper diet brings us good: this statement is quite old and the antiquity of it (it may have even come before antiquity,ahh!) may make us think that it was something that everyone simply understood, but it was not until the 1960s that scientists discovered a direct relationship between the quantity of exercise, diet and better-improved life.but majority aren't the ones who see exercise as a way for a longer life.

Nourishing Your Body Through Diet

Choosing Nutrient-Dense Foods Over Empty Calories
  • Michael Pollan who is quite famous for his writing excellence, gained recognition for his book that examines the social and cultural effects of food. He categorises food into two groups, stating, 'There are two kinds of stuff out there: there's real food, and there's what I call edible food-like substances. If you can distinguish between those two things – one is highly processed, and one is kind of as it comes out of the ground, pretty simple. It doesn't have many steps, minimal processing, and doesn't have lots of ingredients

It's undoubtedly the case that little things can carry gigantic burdens, similar to this beautiful fruit called Indian gooseberry. These little fruits are packed with some really good stuff and hence one can consider them as nutritional qualities. Several of them are also known to have medically-proven advantages or they were treasured in ancient times. Nutritional density means the amount of essential nutrients or counts that are worth the amount of food you might eat. Indeed, these nutrient-dense foods enable us to couple the nutritional value they contain with fibre, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that boost our health. The next question will be so that is not enough, how much of the minimised fats do I really want to include in my diet? As to the question of stirring up thoughts about fruits and vegetables, the response is a lot. Such kinds of foods contain low calories and it is a fact that they are full of nutrients. Calorie may have managed to lower your nutrition a little bit but it makes you eat bigger portions. Certain nutrient-rich foods such as fish, nuts, and seeds also contain higher amounts of calories which is why portion control applies to them as well, while other foods especially avocado contain fatty acids which make it necessary to eat sparingly of those foods.

Benefits of Balanced, Nutritious Diet

Let me tell you about several benefits of using different whole food items, vegetables, uncooked grains, and protein rich foods.

  • Nutrient Diversity: Different kinds of foods and diets are made of different nutrients. Some, among which are Vitamin rich foods, are calcium abundant in other numerical values. Hence, besides foods of various forms and shapes we must also add many different species of foods in order to make sure we have sufficient amounts of all helpful minerals, antioxidants etc.

  • Balanced Nutrition: Every food group or diet category is the real constitution of such nutrients which are required for diverse bodily functions of our body. Fresh vegetables contain nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, and whole grains make for complex carbohydrates and fibre, different fish species help in providing amino acids and proteins that are vital for building muscles and repairing tissues again.

  • Disease Prevention: An improved diet with more whole foods, vegetables, and unrefined grains is related with less illnesses such as ration syndromes-associated diseases, tumour, cardiovascular disease, and mental diseases, which include dementia. Due to the abundance of antioxidants and phytochemicals in these products, those mitigate against the oxidative stress and inflammation, which are the leading factors, in many diseases.

  • Gut Health: Fibre, found in whole foods, vegetables and unpolished grain such as rice or millet to mention a few is known for its support in metabolic syndrome, the obesity epidemic, cardiovascular diseases, lipid profile disturbances, metabolic dysfunctions and non-communicable diseases. In addition, fibre helps prevent constipation and facilitates bowel movement . What is more, it provides satiety to the body (the feeling of fullness and satisfaction experienced after consuming food).

  • Regulate Blood Sugar Levels: When a diet is based on whole foods and unrefined grains comprising of unpolished ices,millets and similar grains ,than on refined carbohydrates (such as bread and biscuits and all baked items), blood sugar level will maintain a stable level that prevent from spiking up and crashing down. This kind of diet reduces the chances of the development of insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.

  • Heart Health: Complex calories like whole naturally grown foods, especially fruits and vegetables, are magnificent sources of nutrients vital for the good health and regulating of blood pressure like potassium, magnesium, and antioxidants. The importance of adding foods like Flax Seeds which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids in the diet plan is decreasing the blood pressure, reducing inflammation and the chance of heart diseases as a result.

  • Weight Management: Foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains that have high fibre content usually act by attaching themselves to the cells of the inner wall in the digestive tract, thus slowing down glucose absorption. Another factor is that naturally processed foods often have fewer calories and a greater nutrient content as compared to processed foods. Food rich in fibre is good for the maintenance of the health of the gut microbiome, which is a necessary process for the functioning of the immune system as well as general wellness. Ensure that your diet has more whole foods and unprocessed foods.

How to Listen to Your Body's Hunger Cues and Eating Mindfully

  • As you eat according to your body's hunger cues and not by being distracted with external environmental factors, you pay close attention to the messages your body sends to limit your eating with hormones and bodily sensations and emotional feelings related to the consumption of food. One should realise that hunger and satiety (fullness) are an interwoven system through which the body regulates the hormones and the nervous signals.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to practise mindful eating and tune into your body's hunger cues:Here's a step-by-step guide on how to practise mindful eating and tune into your body's hunger cues:

  • Play of hormones:Ghrelin, a substance that mainly is found in the emission of the stomach, triggered by the hypothalamus in the brain and is often used as a "hunger hormone" . It arouses appetite and makes a person eat more. The level of ghrelin may fall in the active stages before meals and rise sharply immediately after eating. Adipocytes are those sets of cells which produce the leptin hormone and work on the hypothalamus. It is also known as "satiety hormone", because it lessens the hunger feelings, maintains the sensations of fullness, and helps to achieve the energy balance control.

  • Identify True Hunger:It is therefore of great importance to perceive, feel and judge which of the needs that we may encounter is actually hunger vs. physical sensation, boredom, stress, eating certain meals just because they are our habit or because of other psychological stimuli. Actual craving for food is usually tummy based and builds up little by little. Therefore, you should not allow yourself to wait until you are too hungry as this may result in overeating or taking the wrong food types.

  • Eat Slowly and Mindfully: Probably you've heard of this word before in your favourite lyrics or somewhere else; it's a hype word, if you like. The question for thought comes: what mindful eating is? It's a process of pausing to chew the food slowly and enjoying every tasty mouthful. Spend time chewing your food until it becomes a flavorful and smooth paste in your mouth. Notice its taste, texture, and smell. The first hint is to not sit on the fed table where we are mostly distracted by the tv or a phone. We have all been guilty of eating with laziness at one point.

  • Stop eating when you feel satisfied rather than overly full: It is something that we all do without realising it, something we practise even from childhood. It's our job to pay full attention to the satiety signals sent by our bodies during each meal. Occasionally, take a moment to consider how adequately you've satisfied your feelings of hunger during a meal.

  • Be Conscious of Portion Sizes: Note the quantity of food being served and be conscious of portion sizes.Take charge of how much food is available on your plate by using bowls or a plate of the right size.Ensure that both energy and nutrients give you nourishment.

Exercise, a prime mover for longevity.

With the right training schedule if we are able to exercise our muscles; this increases the muscle mass which means the cells will be able to absorb greater amounts of the glucose and in so doing not allow glucose to be circulating in the bloodstream and instead reduce insulin resistance, this is why the scientists say the exercise is a prime mover for long , better life.

There is a situation known as insulin resistance which doctors say is responsible for disorders such as diabetes, here what happens is , the cells in your body become less sensitive to the hormone, insulin, which is responsible for the control of the sugar levels. Hence the pancreas releases more insulin and persistently the level of insulin in the bloodstream is at the high levels. If it is not brought under control with medicines and lifestyle changes, this situation may result in higher than normal blood sugar levels which may cause type 2 diabetes and other health related problems.

Balancing Aerobic, Strength, and Flexibility Training

  • Aerobic exercise: You probably know that a few minutes of aerobic exercise can be as simple doing some lunges or jumping jacks or jogging. Done consistently, these exercises raise your heart rate and breathing. Aerobic exercise is one of the main pillars on the road to better kick the heart problems out. The use of aerobic exercise at least 30 minutes every day can be a great choice towards achieving its benefits, which include maintaining weight, decreasing risks of obesity among other chronic diseases, improving mood, achieving muscle strength, as well as endurance. In general it is believed to be appropriate to do around 30-45 minutes aerobic training or exercise for four days every week at a rate which resembles the usual pace.

  • Strength training: Besides the sportspeople, resistance training (another name for strength training) also improves the metabolic health of anyone who does it, even nonathletes. Therefore, this kind of activity is often characterised by the use of some heavyweight, resistance bands together with push-ups, squats, and farmer’s walks. A person with regular strength workouts develops more red (lean) muscle volume, which sucks the excessive glucose like a sponge. Designing a goal of doing heavy weight with a frequency of thrice a week would be a very good idea for you.

  • Flexibility Training: I think that we have been able to see it with our own eyes or on the television many times. Having geared up and completed their warm-up, it's now time for one final routine, but before the final routine athlete does some form of vigorous stretching.  Before and after the training, we should stretch our muscles to help them relax and state the result for increased flexibility. A couple of basic morning stretching movements make our system more active and energise our muscles and makes us ready to take up the job of the physical activities in front of us. Here you can also have easy morning stretching and better sleep will be ensured then.


We are living in an environment where food is abundant; you don't have to move around to get food. Poor diet choices are prevalent in households. Most of our daily household chores are mechanised, most of our jobs are restricted to desk jobs, and even farming, which was once considered to be labour-intensive, has made planting, growing crops, and processing them easy with the advent of advanced farming equipment. We humans have lost it somewhere. While living standards have been slowly increasing and societies are becoming richer by the day, overall health is deteriorating. Our health is in our own hands. At the end of the day, it's all about making the right choices, so let's make the right ones.Let us focus on the right diet and take time to do our exercises by putting it a part of our schedule.


1.How constitutes a good diet?

The approach will be to have a as much as balanced meal every time, which consists of a variety of nutrient-dense foods that provide the body with all essential nutrients to do its functions efficiently

2.What food should we avoid to stay healthy?

It's always better to avoid Highly Processed foods rich in simple carbohydrates, Sugary beverages that are very sweet, Trans fats that are there in fried items, Sugary snacks and Desserts, Fried foods, High-Sodium Foods.  

3.What Are Some Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Trying to Improve Health Through Lifestyle Changes?

Setting unrealistic Goals, Skipping Meals , Not following a Diet plan or Restricting Calories, Overlooking Sleep Quality, doing much exercise at once, doing vigorous exercise without guidance,and getting obsessed about the scale are the common pitfalls. Stay focused, and say to yourself that it'll take time for results to show up so enjoy the journey.

4.How Can I Stay Motivated and Consistent in My Diet and Exercise Routine?

Have a plan in mind and see the progress along the way. Imagine all the things you can achieve if your health improves, like if you lose weight, or you become more fit. Having a supportive partner in the form of a friend can surely help. 

5. How do you convince family members to eat healthy food and follow a diet plan?

It's a common challenge, don't worry; tell them about the benefits of healthy eating and following a balanced diet plan. Involve yourself if possible, even your family in the purchase and preparation of healthy food and highlight the ill effects of making bad food choices, like eating outside 

6. Am I not able to find time for exercise?

This is another common issue, so don't think you are alone on this. Start small; try to exercise just 10 minutes a day. Have an achievable goal, check the progress, and celebrate your success; this will motivate you to spend more time on exercise. 

 7. What small changes can I make to burn more calories throughout the day?

There are actually many steps people can take on this one. LIke ,use the stairs more often, walk to nearby shops rather than using the bike, do some easy exercise and stretches in your office in your free time or breaks, and find other ways to keep yourself physically active



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