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Smart Foods - real foods

unprocessed . free of chemical additives . rich in nutrients



In a nutshell , Real Food is about eating what God created, as close to the way that He created it as is possible.


​Sadly, much of the food we eat today is nothing like the nourishing foods our ancestors ate just a hundred years ago, let alone in centuries prior. Unfortunately, due to an industrialized society in which instant-gratification has become the norm, most people have moved away from eating the healthy whole foods to eating man-made processed distortions of the real food graciously given to us by our Creator.


One of reasons for increased cases of diabetes,high blood pressure,cardio vasicular diseases, Obesity, hormonal imbalance etc is consumption of processed , refined ,high carb, high GI(glycomic Index) foods consumed in the form of polished rice, refined oils, refined sugar, refined flour, baked products, flavoured drinks etc.


However, since processed foods became popular in the 20th century, our diet has shifted more toward ready-to-eat meals. While processed foods are convenient, they can also potentially affect your health. So following a diet based on real food may be one of the most important things you can do to help maintain good health.


Real food is food that is as close to its natural state as possible and we believe that consuming foods in its most natural form is most beneficial food.


We at Cafeidly have taken up the task to provide Real, Natural, Whole Foods to all , and started to sell naturals foods in our store in Bangalore., our endeavour is to promote healthy eating habits for a healthier society.

We offer Unpolished Traditional Rice, Unpolished Millets, Cold Pressed Oils, Idli/Dosa Batter(delivery within bangalore),Dry chutney powder, Country Sugar, Pure Ghee, Sukkumalli powder(Dry Ginger powder), Sprouted ragi powder  etc. We deliver throughtout India. People from Bangalore can also pick it up from our store in Frazer Town, Bangalore 919738457254


why unpolished grains are good for you

Cafemillets delivers unpolished rice, millets, coldpressed oil , Jaggery & other Natural whole foods  across India

Grains has several outer layers including germ, husk, and bran. In unpolished grain, only the inedible husk is removed, while the bran layer and germ are intact.The bran contains 80 percent of minerals and the germ contains vitamin E, minerals, unsaturated fats, antioxidants, and phytochemicals.
The bran contains two important things: fibre and essential oils(Rice bran oil is derived from bran). 
Fibre is very important to prevent various gastrointestinal and heart diseases. Besides, the oils present in the bran of whole-grain help to reduce serum cholesterol, a risk component in heart diseases.

why we need to soak unpolished grains

Cafemillets delivers Natural & Healthy foods like Unpolished Rice, Unpolished Millets, Cold Pressed Oils, Country Sugar, Palm Jaggery, Flax Seeds. Dry chutney powder, Ragi flour, Ghee etc across India

Soaking has been a method used for centuries by indigenous populations all over the world. Our ancestors may not have known the biochemical reasons for why it was beneficial, but they continued to soak their nuts, seeds, beans and grains to avoid deficiencies and to improve the digestion of these foods.

Soaking grains really is very easy! It just takes a little planning ahead. The result is a highly nutritious and easy-to-digest whole-grain food with wonderful robust flavour.

There are countless different ways to soak nuts, seeds, beans or grains. The basic steps of soaking include: 
1) placing the food, such as unpolished rice or millets in a large bowl or jar, 
2) generously covering them with water and 
3) leaving them to soak for several hours to overnight. 

The benefits of soaking.
1. Reduces phytic acids
Phytic acid, also known as phytate, is a compound commonly found in cereals and grains. Phytic acid is sometimes called an anti-nutrient because it binds to certain proteins and minerals such as iron, zinc, and calcium. By binding to these nutrients, it reduces their ability to be absorbed in our body.
Processes that remove or degrade phytic acid have been shown to improve the absorption of proteins and some minerals .

2. Reduces tannins and polyphenols
Polyphenols are micronutrients found in a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, nuts, and some beverages. Tannins are a subclass of polyphenols.

You may have heard of these compounds being in coffee, tea, red wine, and dark chocolate. Polyphenols and tannins are what give these foods their bitter and astringent traits. 
Polyphenols have been recognized as the most abundant source of antioxidants in our diet. However, they also bind to positively charged minerals (such as iron) and proteins, making them unavailable for absorption in our bodies. Reducing levels of tannins and polyphenols through soaking helps increase our body's ability to absorb minerals including iron, zinc, and calcium, as well as proteins found in foods such as chickpeas, mung beans,
lentils, and peas.

3. Reduces anti-nutritional enzyme inhibitors
Leguminous crops such as beans, peas, and lentils contain several anti-nutritional factors. These anti-nutrient factors bind to beneficial enzymes which decreases their activity. We can improve the availability of nutrients present in these foods by removing their anti-nutrient factors (which include trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitors, proteolytic enzyme inhibitors, oligosaccharides, and lectins). Several studies have recognized the importance of
soaking to help discard anti-nutrient compounds in the soaking water. 

4. Improves texture and decreases cooking time 
In addition to the removal of flatulence-causing compounds, the soaking of beans before cooking is a common practice to soften the texture and quicken the cooking process. Soaking for several hours increases the water in the seeds which speeds up chemical reactions, such as starch gelatinization, during cooking.

Soaking the unpolished millets and rice overnight ensures that you break down the phytic acid in them. Phytic acid impairs the absorption of the good minerals like iron, zinc and calcium and makes the digesting these grains much easier on your tummy. 

All unpolished millets need 6 hours - overnight soaking, because the fiber is present in concentric circles starting from the center moving outwards, unless the millets are soaked properly the fiber at the center will not soak properly and will not cook well. Millets are rich in water soluble minerals and vitamins so use the same water used for soaking for cooking as well. This applies to unpolished rice as well.



Cafemillets delivers unpolished rice, millets, coldpressed oil , Jaggery & other Natural whole foods  across India

The Story of Rice (Oryza sativa) - coloured rice varieties of South India

 Rice is a major cereal food crop and staple food in most of the developing countries. India stands second in the production of rice next to China. Though almost 40,000 varieties of rice are said to exist, at present, only a few varieties are cultivated extensively, milled and polished. Even if white rice is consumed by most people around the world, some specialty rice cultivars are also grown. These include the coloured and aromatic rice varieties. The nutritional profile of the specialty rice is high when compared to the white rice varieties. The coloured rice, which usually gets its colour due to the deposition of anthocyanin pigments in the bran layer of the grain, is rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants. Rice bran, a by-product of the rice milling industry is under-utilised, is rich in dietary fibre which finds application in the development of functional foods and various other value-added products. Thus, more focus on specialty rice and its by-products will not only save it from becoming extinct but also lead a step forward towards nutrition security of the country as they are abundant in vitamins, minerals and polyphenols.

Rice is rich in genetic diversity, with thousands of varieties grown throughout the world and India is home to 6000 varieties, at present. Originally, India had more than 110,000 varieties of rice until 1970, which were lost during the Green Revolution with its emphasis on monoculture and hybrid crops. Paddy comes in many different colours, including brown, red, purple and even black. The colourful varieties of rice are considered valuable for their health benefits. The unpolished rice with its bran has high nutrient content than milled or polished white rice. However, rice consumers prefer to consume polished white rice, despite the fact that brown rice contains valuable nutrient content [4]. A detailed analysis on the nutrient content of rice suggests that the nutrition value varies depending upon several factors such as the strain or variety (i.e. whitebrownred and black/purple), nutrient quality of the soil in which rice is cultivated, the degree of milling and the method of preparation before consumption.

The Indian rice varieties cultivated widely are Basmati, Joha, Jyothi, Navara, Ponni, Pusa, Sona Masuri, Jaya, Kalajiri (aromatic), Boli, Palakkad Matta, etc. The coloured variety includes Himalayan red rice; Matta rice, Kattamodon, Kairali, Jyothy, Bhadra, Asha, Rakthashali of Kerala; Red Kavuni, Kaivara Samba, Mappillai Samba, Kuruvi Kar, Poongar of Tamil Nadu, etc.

Structure of rice grain:

The paddy (also, rough rice or rice grain) consists of the hull, an outer protective covering, and the fruit or rice caryopsis (brown or dehusked rice). Rice primarily consists of carbohydrates, proteins and small quantities of fat, ash, fibre and moisture. Vitamins and minerals are largely confined to the bran and germ.

The polished white rice, usually consumed, is the highly refined version of raw rice. The processing and milling of raw rice take away significant parts of the grain, namely the bran and the germ. Both bran and germ are rich in dietary fibre as well as nutrients that are beneficial for human health. Further, if white rice undergoes additional polishing, its aleurone layer gets removed leading to loss of more nutrients, as this layer is rich in vitamin B, proteins, minerals and essential fats.






The different layers of rice contain different quantities of nutrients. The bran layer is rich in dietary fibre, minerals and vitamin B complex while the aleurone layer contains the least. The endosperm of rice is rich in carbohydrate and also contains a reasonable amount of digestible protein, with favourable amino acid profile than other grains.



Rice processing


Processing of rice mainly involves milling of rice which converts paddy into rice by removing the hull and all or part of the bran layer. Milling of rice is a crucial stage and the objective of milling is to remove the husk and bran so as to produce an edible white rice kernel that is free from impurities.

 The milling process followed by polishing destroys 67% of the vitamin B3, 80% of vitamin B1, 90% of vitamin B6, 50% of manganese and phosphorus, 60% of the iron, and all of the dietary fibre, as well as the essential fatty acids present in the raw unmilled variety.


Nutritional information


White rice

Raw, long-grain white rice is a good source of carbohydrates, calcium, iron, thiamine, pantothenic acid, folate and vitamin E when compared with maize, wheat and potatoes. It does not contain vitamin C, vitamin A, beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. It is also notably low in dietary fibre.


Coloured rice

Brown rice retains its bran layer (containing vitamins, minerals and fibre), as this has not been polished more to produce white rice. The coloured rice varieties are either semi-polished or unpolished (Fig. 2). Red-coloured rice varieties are known to be rich in iron and zinc, while black rice varieties are especially high in protein, fat and crude fibre. Red and black rice get their colour from anthocyanin pigments, which are known to have free radical scavenging and antioxidant capacities, as well as other health benefits.


Unpolished Brown rice is highly nutritious. It has low calorie and has a high amount of fibre. Furthermore, it is a good source of magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, thiamine, niacin, vitamin B6 and an excellent source of manganese. Brown rice and rough rice are rich in vitamins and minerals; this is due to the fact that the vitamins are confined to the bran and husk of the paddy. Rice bran and husk contain a higher amount of calcium, zinc and iron

The pigmented cereal grains, such as red and purple/black rice, have phytochemical compounds in higher amounts than non-pigmented varieties. The phytochemicals such as cell wall-bound phenolics and flavonoids are gaining more interest as these compounds can be broken down by digestive enzymes and gut microflora, and as a result, they can be easily absorbed into the body



Health benefits


Depending upon the flavours, culinary needs, availability and its potential health benefits, people choose different varieties of rice. Rice has the ability to provide fast and instant energy. Brown rice and red rice are great sources of fibre, B vitamins, calcium, zinc and iron, manganese, selenium, magnesium and other nutrients. The red and black rice variety gets its rich colour from a group of phytochemicals called anthocyanins, which are also found in deep purple or reddish fruits and vegetables.



Diabetes mellitus

Unlike white polished rice, brown rice releases sugars slowly thus helping to stabilise blood sugar in a sustained manner. This trait makes it a better option for people who are suffering from diabetes mellitus. Further, studies in Asia have shown a relationship between the consumption of white rice and risk of type 2 diabetes. Dietary fibres reduce the absorption of carbohydrates by providing an enclosure to the food, hindering the action of hydrolytic enzymes in the small intestine on food, and increasing the viscosity of food in the intestine . This plays a vital role in reducing the GI of food thereby preventing the risk of diabetes type 2 . Proanthocyanidins present in red rice provide protection against type 2 diabetes . Similarly, anthocyanins present in black rice is said to have a hypoglycemic effect .



Brown rice is rich in manganese and selenium, which play a vital role against free radicals, which acts as a major cancer-causing agent. Due to the presence of these elements and high dietary fibre, brown rice is associated with a lowered risk of cancer. Studies have also correlated the use of whole grains like brown rice with lowered levels of colon cancer. This may be related to its high fibre content, as fibre gets attached to carcinogenic substances and toxins helps to eliminate them from the body, and also keep them away from attaching to the cells in the colon. Proanthocyanins, present in red rice, modulate the inflammatory response and protect against some cancers . Similarly, anthocyanins which are found abundantly in black rice have anti-carcinogenic properties based on epidemiological and in vivo animal and human-based studies .


Cardiovascular disease

Brown rice may help in lowering the risk of metabolic syndrome, while metabolic syndrome itself is a strong predictor of cardiovascular disease. Red rice contains magnesium that prevents the risk of heart attacks . Various high-fat diet-induced risk factors for cardiovascular disease were ameliorated by anthocyanin-rich extracts from black rice in rat models .



Brown rice contains naturally occurring bran oil, which helps in reducing LDL forms of cholesterol. Intake of black rice has found to eliminate reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as lipid peroxide and superoxide anion radicals and lower cholesterol levels due to the presence of compounds such as anthocyanins, polyphenolic compounds, flavonoids, phytic acid, vitamin E and γ-oryzanol . Modulation of inflammatory responses by proanthocyanidins in red rice provided protection from cardiovascular disease . Based on these studies, it is evident that whole grains can lower the chances of arterial plaque buildup, thus reducing the chances of developing heart disease.



Both brown and red rice have high magnesium content than white rice. Magnesium is an important mineral that plays a vital role in the regulation of blood pressure and sodium balance in the body .



Rice varieties such as brown, red and black rice are rich in fibre and have the ability to keep healthy bowel function and metabolic function. Anthocyanins present in red rice have properties that can help in weight management .



Rice protein is hypoallergenic; products from other plant sources such as soy and peanut and animal sources like eggs and milk are a good source of proteins, yet they may cause allergy when consumed. Rice protein provides a solution to this problem because it is hypoallergenic. Furthermore, the anthocyanins present in red rice also have the property to reduce allergy.


Today, the spotlight is on the increased production of these traditional varieties, promoting the consumption among the younger generation and production of nutritious and novel value-added products from coloured rice.



Although India is home to traditional red rice varieties and their use has been common among the practitioners of traditional medicine and communities as part of their cultural heritage, their functional effects and health benefits in terms of modern scientific methodology are far and few. Due to the insufficient availability of data, the beneficial properties of these varieties still remain unknown to a majority of the population. So, to leverage their health benefits, extensive research on these native coloured varieties by the stakeholders needs to be promoted so that they are available to consumers as a part of the daily diet or specialty functional foods.











The Traditional Unpolished Rice that We Offer












Unpolished Red Rice/Sivappu Kavuni Rice 
Red Rice or Kerala Matta rice or Red parboiled rice is highly nutritious because of its outer bran, apart from being a weight-loss friendly food it strengthens immunity, helps control diabetes.  red rice comes with a nutty flavour and is high in nutritional content when compared to polished rice.The red rice gets its colour from an antioxidant called anthocyanin which is a compound found in several other red and purple coloured vegetables. Red rice is loaded with fibre, iron and is also considered to reduce inflammation in the body, controls cholesterol levels and lowers blood pressure















Unpolished Mapillai Samba or “Bride Groom Rice” is a native variety of rice, which is red in colour and is grown predominantly in Tamil Nadu.
The high fibre content present in the rice eases digestion. vitamin B1 present in the rice aids in healing stomach and mouth ulcers, increases haemoglobin content ,Improv
es immunity and stamina, Increases haemoglobin content. It is the best rice variety for diabetic patients. 
It can increases energy level and induces and strengths bone growth, it is commonly given to kids.
Rich in magnesium, manganese, iron and Zinc















Unpolished Thooyamalli Rice or “Pure Jasmine Rice” is a traditional rice variety of Tamil Nadu. The name thooyamalli refers to “Thooya” means pure and “Malli” means jasmine would be an ideal substitute for white rice.  It is pearl-coloured rice and resembles the bud of a Jasmine flower.
This rice improves digestion, its anti-ageing properties helps us look young and energetic. Rich in anti-oxidants, it keeps skin healthy and shiny.
It helps to keep the internal organs younger for longer. It keeps the mind active and strengthens memory. This rice suits for all age groups, prevents diabetics & can be used to prepare Biryanis.














Unpolished Brown Rice or “Hand pound natural rice” .
Unpolished Brown Rice has a higher content of proteins, lipids, dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals. Can replace your normal polished rice in regular daily use. The rice is milled where the bran is fully intact.
Brown rice is a whole grain rice with the inedible outer hull removed. This kind of rice sheds its outer hull or husk but the bran and germ layer remain on, constituting the brown or tan colour of rice. White rice is the same grain without the hull, the bran layer, and the cereal germ

* Brown rice has a shelf life of approximately 6 months, but hermetic storagerefrigeration or freezing can significantly extend its lifetime. Freezing, even periodically, can also help control infestations of Indian meal moths.
* Brown rice generally needs longer cooking times than white rice, unless it is broken or flour blasted (which perforates the bran without removing it). Studies by Gujral and Kumar in 2003 estimated a cooking time between 35 and 51 minutes.

The action of pounding removes the husk & turns paddy into edible rice.
The bran and germ, the two outer layers of brown rice, contain most of the vitamins and minerals in the grain. Those layers get removed when manufacturers make white rice, and that’s why brown rice is the healthier choice.Hand Pound Brown Rice contains selenium.  Reduces the risk of developing colon cancer.
It boosts body’s immune system; It provides the body with the nutrients it needs and the power to fight infections. Thus, this variant is better for well-being as compared to the processed rice. 
Our brown rice has a nutty and crunchy texture after cooking.
















Unpolished ​Black Rice - Forbidden Rice - Karuppu Kavuni
Once called the forbidden rice, black rice is now cultivated all over the country, but in relatively lesser amounts. It is a rich source of proteins, vitamins, and other essential nutrients.
Due to its rich flavour and colour, it was considered food for royalty in Asian history. As a result, it became exclusive food for wealthier groups. Later, it lost popularity and got the name ‘forbidden rice’.
High anti-oxidant properties, High Anthocyanin content - Anthocyanins are pigments found in a variety of blue and purple foods, and they help to protect your cells against damage. These pigments are also known for reducing inflammation and helping reduce the risk of cardiovascular conditions. Eating black rice can give you a worthwhile boost on your heart health and overall fitness.  , this rice also boosts immunity and bone strength, rich in fibre ,iron and aids digestion helps in weight loss, prevents diabetes and helps prevent cancer, good for heart as it reduce the LDL cholesterol(bad cholesterol).
Black rice contains vitamin E good for skin and eye, has anti-inflammatory properties, highest amount of antioxidants of any rice variety, more than blue berries
Mix with other rice to make idli/dosa batter( has a sticky texture after cooking)

















Unpolished Poongar rice
Poongar Rice is an traditional unpolished red rice variety, indigenous to Tamil Nadu. 
Often mistaken for Mapillai Samba Rice due to similar appearance
Why its called women's rice ? It has been known to be helpful in women’s health. Poongar consumed by women after puberty, is believed to avert ailments associated with the reproductive system. And especially beneficial to pregnant women and lactating mothers.
Called as 'Women's Rice' this rice is known to cure most of women's hormonal issues, good for girls and women if all ages.cures hormonal issues affecting puberty in girls,  helps to maintain a healthy uterus thus aids in conceiving, good for pregnant and nursing women as it helps increase lactation.
contains anthocyanin, boosts immunity, contains vitamin b12 which helps prevent ulcers.
Lowers Low density Lipo proteins and good for heart .rich in fibre, aids digestion

Cafemillets delivers unpolished rice, millets, coldpressed oil , Jaggery & other Natural whole foods  across India
Cafemillets delivers Natural & Healthy foods like Unpolished Rice, Unpolished Millets, Cold Pressed Oils, Country Sugar, Palm Jaggery, Flax Seeds. Dry chutney powder, Ragi flour, Ghee etc across India
Cafemillets delivers Natural & Healthy foods like Unpolished Rice, Unpolished Millets, Cold Pressed Oils, Country Sugar, Palm Jaggery, Flax Seeds. Dry chutney powder, Ragi flour, Ghee etc across India
Cafemillets delivers Natural & Healthy foods like Unpolished Rice, Unpolished Millets, Cold Pressed Oils, Country Sugar, Palm Jaggery, Flax Seeds. Dry chutney powder, Ragi flour, Ghee etc across India
unpolished brown rice
Cafemillets delivers Natural & Healthy foods like Unpolished Rice, Unpolished Millets, Cold Pressed Oils, Country Sugar, Palm Jaggery, Flax Seeds. Dry chutney powder, Ragi flour, Ghee etc across India
Kodo millet Little millet Barnyard millet Browntop Millet Foxtail Millet Poongar rice Black rice Brown Rice Red Rice Mapillai Samba Thooyamalli Rice


Kodo millet Little millet Barnyard millet Browntop Millet Foxtail Millet Poongar rice Black rice Brown Rice Red Rice Mapillai Samba Thooyamalli Rice

​English                    Hindi  ​                 Malayalam                   ​Tamil                   â€‹Kannada          ​   Telugu

Barnyard Millet​        Sanwa                 â€‹Kavadapullu     â€‹         Kuthiraivally          Oodhalu            Udhalu

​Kodo Millet              Kodon         â€‹        Koovaragu      ​            Varagu                   â€‹Arka      ​         Arikelu

Little Millet           â€‹    Kutki           â€‹         Chama                        Samai                  Saame             Samulu

​Foxtail Millet        ​     Kakum        ​         Thenai                      Thenai               â€‹   Navane               ​Korra

Browntop Millet       â€‹Makra/Muradh   â€‹Chama pothaval    ​Palapul/Kula Samai   â€‹  Korale           ​Andu korralu

Kodo millet Little millet Barnyard millet Browntop Millet Foxtail Millet Poongar rice Black rice Brown Rice Red Rice Mapillai Samba rice Thooyamalli Rice

Modern Processing of Indian Millets: A Perspective on Changes in Nutritional Properties

Abstract: Globally, billions of people are experiencing food insecurity and malnutrition. The United Nations has set a global target to end hunger by 2030, but we are far from reaching it. Over the decade, climate change, population growth and economic slowdown have impacted food security. Many countries are facing the challenge of both undernutrition and over nutrition. Thus, there is a need to transform the food system to achieve food and nutrition security. One of the ways to reach closer to our goal is to provide an affordable healthy and nutritious diet to all.

Millets, the nutri-cereals, have the potential to play a crucial role in the fight against food insecurity and malnutrition. Nutricereals are an abundant source of essential macro- and micronutrients, carbohydrates, protein, dietary fiber, lipids, and phytochemicals. The nutrient content and digestibility of millets are significantly influenced by the processing techniques. This review article highlights the nutritional characteristics and processing of Indian millets, viz. foxtail, kodo, proso, little, and pearl millets. It also envisages the effect of traditional and modern processing techniques on millet’s nutritional properties. An extensive literature review was conducted using the research and review articles related to processing techniques of millets such as fermentation, germination, dehulling, extrusion, cooking, puffing, popping, malting, milling, etc.

Germination and fermentation showed a positive improvement in the overall nutritional characteristics of millets, whereas excessive dehulling, polishing, and milling resulted in reduction of the dietary fiber and micronutrients. Understanding the changes happening in the nutrient value of millets due to processing can help the food industry, researchers, and consumers select a suitable processing technique to optimize the nutrient value, increase the bioavailability of nutrients, and help combat food and nutrition security.

Millets are a highly nutritious crop and contain considerable amounts of vitamins and minerals. Millets are a good source of energy, dietary fiber, slowly digestible starch, and resistant starch, and thus provide sustained release of glucose and thereby satiety . Millets are rich in vitamin E and vitamin B and in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, potassium, and iron. The abundant nutrients of millets provide multiple benefits such as reducing the incidence of cancer , obesity and diabetes , cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal problems, migraine, and asthma.

Consumption of millets helps manage hyperglycemia due to their lente carbohydrate and high dietary fiber content, thus making millets a perfect food for the diabetic populace . Therefore, millets play an important role in the modern diet as a potential source of essential nutrients, especially in underdeveloped and developing countries . Although millets have a diversified and high food value, their consumption, especially by the Indian populace, has not reached a significant level due to various factors, depicted in below figure. Recently, these grains have been slowly fueling the start-up revolution to improve nutri-rich food availability and create employment.

Kodo millet Little millet Barnyard millet Browntop Millet Foxtail Millet Poongar rice Black rice Brown Rice Red Rice Mapillai Samba rice Thooyamalli Rice

Mechanical Processing for Millets : Because global food security is at risk, effective utilization of available millet crops to develop an affordable, palatable, and nutrient-rich product is the need of the hour. Millet grains must be processed to remove inedible portions and convert them into cooked and edible form. Therefore, processing is a crucial task, as it increases the bioavailability of nutrients and organoleptic properties and decreases antinutrients .
Processing involves multiple techniques such as dehusking/decortication, milling, soaking, germination, fermentation, malting, cooking, and roasting. These operations cause changes in physicochemical attributes that alter the nutrition, function, and physical characteristics of food. Processing may be of two types, namely, primary and secondary processing. Processes such as cleaning, washing (soaking/germination), dehulling, milling (into flour and semolina), and refining to remove the undesired seed coat and antinutritional factors are termed as primary processing, while secondary processing involves converting primary processed raw materials into “ready-to-cook” (RTC) or “ready-to-eat” (RTE) products by flaking, popping, extrusion, and baking.
The traditional processing technologies include debranning, milling, roasting, soaking, steaming germination, popping, flaking, ready-to-eat salted grains, and fermented products . These processing techniques aim to convert grains into edible forms, with an extended shelf life, improved texture, specific flavor, taste, as well as improved nutritional quality and digestibility . Millet consumption and utilization can be increased by processing them into various by-products, which also reduces the phytate and tannin levels, increases the minerals and amino acids bioavailability, and improves starch and protein digestibility. Processing imparts specific morphological, anatomical, or modulated changes in these bioactive compounds present in whole grains. The processing methods may have positive as well as negative impacts on the nutrient and antinutrient profile. Various research studies on millet processing have shown positive results on the effective usage of millets in a variety of traditional and convenience health foods.  Thus, understanding the influence of processing on nutritional properties is extremely important for effective utilization of millets. It also assists in choosing an appropriate processing technique for millets to maximize nutrient availability, improve palatability, and increase shelf life. 


Types of Millets: Their health benefits

Foxtail Millet  have a sweet, bitter taste. This is a balanced food apart from having 8% of fiber. It has 12% of protein. It’s a good food for diabetic patients. It reduces the cholesterol content . It is rich in antioxidants. There is a lot of fiber, protein, calcium, iron, manganese,magnesium, phosphorus and vitamins and therefore they are good for children and pregnant women. This  grain helps prevent constipation.
When children suffer from high fever, sometimes they have seizures, which are permanent, sometimes. Foxtail millet has the capacity to drive away these seizures, weakness of the nerves. It acts like medicine for those who suffer from stomachache and burning sensation while urinating, diarrhea and lack of hunger. As it is rich in proteins and iron it is a good medicine for anemia. As there is a lot of fiber, it gets rid of constipation. Back in the villages, elders used to say from their experience that if you take foxtail millet gruel and take rest then we get rid of fever. Eating foxtail millet is good for girls who suffer from heart ailments, anemia, obesity, arthritis, bleeding and burns. Foxtail millet cleanses the Lungs and helps prevent lungs cancer. This gets rid of convulsions and also useful to get rid of some kinds of skin diseases, mouth cancer, abdominal cancer, Parkinson’s disease and asthma (along with Kodo millet).

Kodo Millet  is sweet, bitter and acrid in taste. It helps in purifying blood, improving resistance power and overcoming anemia and diabetes, constipation and good for sound sleep. Also, efficient functioning of bone marrow and to get rid of asthma and kidney problems and problems
related to prostate, blood cancer and cancers of intestine, thyroid, throat, pancreas or liver. They have high nutritious value and therefore a good food for the children. This is good for digestion. It has high antioxidant activity.
It keeps sugar and cholesterol levels in blood in check, provides good energy. If you take these along with other lentils like Bengal gram or cowpea then we get sufficient nutrients that are required for our body. As there is high fiber content it is good for weight reduction. It gives relief from the pains caused by long-term diseases and to reduce swelling. Its for the treating swelling of joints and for women, who suffer from irregular periods, diabetic patients and those who have weak eye nerves. The flour of Kodo millet is used to smear on swellings. It is also helpful for those diabetic patients who develop gangrene after getting injured on legs. They are also helpful for the recovery of patients who have suffered from dengue, typhoid or viral fevers and became weak.

Little Millet  are sweet in taste. It helps in overcoming the problems of ovaries, sperm, PCOD and infertility. They help in curing the diseases of the reproductive systems in both males and females. This acts as medicine, if one gets burning sensation in the chest after taking food or gets sour belching or feels tightening of the stomach due to gastric problem etc. This is good for those suffering from sexually transmitted diseases, diarrhea and indigestion and to improve the sperm count in men and to solve the problems of periods in women. The high fiber content helps prevent constipation. This provides relief to those who suffer from migraine. This is a nutritious food for those who suffer from heart problems obesity and joint pains. They also aid in cleaning up lymph nodal system and in the control of the cancer of brain, throat, blood, thyroid and pancreas.

Barnyard Millet  are sweet in taste. This is good for thyroid and pancreas. They help in getting rid of diabetes and constipation as there is lot of fiber in this millet and in cleaning up liver, kidney, gallbladder and good for endocrinal glands. They also help in reducing jaundice and help in strengthening liver. After getting rid of cancer, jaundice they are also helpful in reducing the cancer of ovaries, uterus. This millet gives strength and is easily digestible. This food maintains body temperature. It improves the resistance capacity of the body. This is very good food for those who work for long hours in stationary position without much physical labor. The food made of this millet protects us from ulcer-formation in small intestine and the cancer of large intestine liver and spleen

Browntop millet  is one of the traditional crops. These grains have to be soaked in water for 6 to 8 hours before cooking. These are useful for the solving problems of ovaries, stomach, arthritis, B.P, thyroid, eye problems and obesity. Likewise, they are also useful to treat Fissures, ulcers, piles, fistula and the cancer of brain, blood, breast, bones, stomach, intestine and skin.​ It is rich in fibre, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium and many other important minerals. 
Browntop millet ​eases constipation and helps in detoxifying the body. It helps to control high blood pressure and acts as a probiotic for respiratory disorders. Brown top millet is a great substitute for rice as it keeps you satiated and delays the gastric emptying time, thereby serving as a perfect grain for all diabetic patients. Being low in glycaemic index and carbs brown top millet prevents unwanted hunger pangs and avoid a sudden spike in sugar levels. Add this tiny grain to the daily diet to stabilize blood sugars, control HbA1C and promote insulin sensitivity​

Conclusion: Millets have an energy value similar to staple cereals. Additionally, they provide more significant health benefits due to their high fiber, minerals, vitamins, macro- and micronutrients, and phytochemicals and can help combat chronic disorders. Making millets part of a regular diet can provide an affordable, complete, and healthy meal. It was observed that during germination and fermentation of millets, the dietary fiber, mineral, and vitamin content of most millets improved. Simple processing techniques such as soaking, germination/malting, and fermentation can help tackle the problem of protein–energy malnutrition by improving protein digestibility and the bioavailability of the minerals. However, it was observed that decortication, dehulling, milling, extrusion resulted in a reduction of total proteins, total dietary fiber, and micronutrients. Thus, care should be taken during the decortication of millets, as excessive dehulling can result in lower fiber content and loss of micronutrients due to the loss of nutrient-rich bran and germ portion. Looking into the variability of the impact of processing on the nutritional characteristics of millets, there is still a need to focus on optimizing the processing techniques for minor millets to make them more acceptable without compromising the health benefits. Moreover, to combat food insecurity and malnutrition, awareness needs to be created at both commercial and household levels regarding the impact of processing methods on the nutritional properties of millets and the health benefits of millets.



Unpolished Rice, Unpolished Millets, Cold Pressed Oils, Country Sugar, Palm Jaggery, Flax Seeds. Dry chutney powder, Ragi flour, Ghee etc across India

Chutney Powder are a part of Indian cuisine. Its served along with the breakfast dishes like idli. Dosa. Upma etc or even with hot plain steamed rice. They come in many flavours and variations and is a healthy time-saver and always in stock in almost all the houses in South India.

​We at cafeidly also have healthier variations of dry chutney powder like Drumstick leaf, Flax seeds and Bitter gourd. The chutney powder-podi mixed with sesame oil or coconut oil gives unique taste. If you haven’t tried yet, we highly recommend you give it try.

Soft spice
Soft spice gun powder is a coarse spice powder that typically contains Red Chili, 
Garlic, Tamarind, Cumin, Coriander, Urad Dal, Chana Dal, Salt, Oil, Curry Leaf. Sprinkle some of this magic spice powder over dosas or idlis along with a generous drizzle of gingelly oil or ghee and you are assured to get your taste buds a treat.

Garlic Chilli 
Garlic Chilli Gun powder is made with dal,red chillies and garlic which is a condiment for idli, dosa or even rice and is very popular in Andra region.This powder can also be added to vegetable curries/gravies.The possibilities are endless.
Ingredients :Red Chilli Powder, Garlic, Salt, Cumin, Curry Leaf.

Bitter gourd chutney powder(100gms) 
Ability to help manage diabetes,Boost skin health,Improve respiratory health
,Strengthen the immune system and Helps prevent cancer.
Ingredients :Red Chilli, Garlic, Tamarind, Cumin, Coriander, Urad Dal, Chana Dal, Moong Dal, Salt, Bitter Gourd.

Drumstick leaf chutney powder(100gms)
Rich source of vitamin A,C & E, minerals like iron,calcium,potassium and amino acids.Helps prevent diabetes, heart disease, anemia, arthritis. Helps prevent liver disease, and digestive disorders
Ingredients :Drumstick Leaf, Cumin, Red Chilli, Salt, Chana Dal, Urad Dal, Garlic, Coriander Seed, Tamarind

Amla Spice chutney powder(100gms)

Amla is the richest known natural source of Vitamin C, which is known to have excellent immunity
boosting and antioxidant properties. Consuming vitamin C regularly is associated with better 
performance of macrophages and other cells of the immune system. It is a great regenerator of the skin that helps fight against the signs of ageing.It is a powerful hair regenerator, it stimulates the roots, strengthens it and favours its growth, since it stimulates the hair follicles .Amla Spice Powder is an exotic blend of amla, red chilli, moong dal and other spices and lentils and is the ideal choice for creating memorable dishes that will enrich your taste buds. You can add ghee or edible oil to this amla spice powder and toss it up with hot plain rice, idly, dosa, vada or any other snack.

Ingredients :
Red Chili, Garlic, Salt, Amla (Usiri Kaya), Cumin, Urad Dal, Chana Dal, Toor Dal, Moong Dal, Curry Leaf


Kodo millet Little millet Barnyard millet Browntop Millet Foxtail Millet Poongar rice Black rice Brown Rice Red Rice Mapillai Samba Thooyamalli Rice  Bitter gourd chutney powder Flax Seeds chutney powder Drumstick leaf chutney powder Garlic Chilli Gun powder Soft spice gun powder Ghee  Coldpressed Pure and Organic Coconut Oil Coldpressed Pure and Organic Sesame Oil Coldpressed Pure and Organic Groundnut Oil   weight loss food diabetic control food

Cold pressed oils are extracted from organically grown
crops, by crushing them in Wood press (mara chekku)
hence the oil is pure and chemical free.
Cold Pressed oil are oils extracted in a much
healthier process compared to refined oils.
In this process, seeds are not tortured at high
temperature or subjected to harsh chemicals.
Instead extraction is being done at temperature
below 35 °C ensuring the oil maintains its character .
Once the oil settles, it is just filtered and bottled

Coldpressed Pure and Organic Coconut Oil
The cold pressing technology helps preserve and retain
the natural goodness, vital nutrients, rich aroma and 
flavour of fresh coconuts. Coconut oil contains healthy
fatty acids that help boost energy and are also known
to raise HDL (good) cholesterol in your blood, which is
good for your overall. It has Antimicrobial qualities,
is a Natural energy booster, Good for skin and improves
oral health.

Coldpressed Pure and Organic Sesame Oil
The most widely used Sesame Oil does have benefits
beyond kitchen, sesame oil also has been esteemed for
thousands of years by the Mediterranean cultures for
ongevity believed to be better than olive oil, the nutrient rich sesame oil is a symbol of prosperity and health in ancient folklore.

Antioxidants- It has antioxidants with the ability to fight damage by free radicals.
Antimicrobial- this means it can kill harmful microorganisms or stop their growth
Anti-inflammatory –  It can reduce inflammation and swelling.
Good for heart - it’s rich in omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-6 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat that is essential to your diet and plays an important role in heart disease prevention.

Coldpressed Pure and Organic Groundnut Oil
Cold-pressed groundnut oil contains a high concentration of vitamin E, oleic acid, and other nutrients.
While Vitamin E neutralises free radicals, fatty acids boost immune health. Therefore, cold-pressed groundnut oil grants several benefits
It Promotes Heart Health,Boosts Skin Health,Improves Insulin Sensitivity in Diabetes,Slow Down Cognitive Disorders


Kodo millet Little millet Barnyard millet Browntop Millet Foxtail Millet Poongar rice Black rice Brown Rice Red Rice Mapillai Samba Thooyamalli Rice  Bitter gourd chutney powder Flax Seeds chutney powder Drumstick leaf chutney powder Garlic Chilli Gun powder Soft spice gun powder Ghee  Coldpressed Pure and Organic Coconut Oil Coldpressed Pure and Organic Sesame Oil Coldpressed Pure and Organic Groundnut Oil   weight loss food diabetic control food


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Uthukuli Cow Ghee is made of cow's pure & fresh milk using the traditional standards.
Contains healthy fat soluble vitamins which aids in the absorption of nutrients in foods and are essential for good health.

Uthukuli(Tirupur District, Tamilnadu) butter is famous for its quality.  Uthukuli is basically a dry land. So they did not do agricultural work. Alternatively, they decided to do rear livestock. Since they did not have grazing land, 
they used to feeding healthy forage like stalks of maize, Bran, oil-cake for livestock.
So the milk produced by livestock was of very good quality, rich in fat. Due to this high quality milk, 
Uthukuli Butter is rich in flavour,aroma and taste

When you remove the water and milk from the butter and churn it, it turns into a concentrate that can be called ghee. Ghee has long been used in Indian households. The term interestingly comes from Sanskrit and means ‘sprinkled’. 
Ghee was created to prevent the butter from spoiling in the summers. Not only is ghee used in cooking, but also it plays a vital role in Ayurvedic medicine. Therefore, it can also be referred to as ghrita. 
The benefits of eating desi ghee are many – good source of energy, good for skim, hair, joints, and heart, intestinal health, and keeps constipation away.

Uthukuli COW GHEE is made from the milk of cows cared on farmlands with love and compassion. Organically raised cows are not exposed to harmful chemical pesticides, artificial hormones that may be found in conventional ghee. Uthukuli Ghee is heat stable & perfect to use for cooking at high temperatures.

 Most other cooking oils, especially refined oils, form harmful free radicals at high temperatures. COW GHEE contains many fat soluble nutrients that are essential for good health. Research now shows that a totally fat free diet is unhealthy and can accelerate ageing.

Our COW GHEE contains only what is good for you and nothing else. FSSAI certified Cow Ghee
Wishing You Good Health and Happiness A rich source of essential fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6, Ghee has a rich nutrient profile and contains no hydrogenated oil. With a very long shelf life, Ghee
has many uses outside the kitchen as well

Best stored away from direct sunlight. This product contains no additives, is free from artificial preservatives, synthetic fillers or binders. 100% natural, farm made in daily batches.

IDLI / DOSA BATTER (delivery within Bangalore only)

Home-made Batter
Freshest Ingredients Used
No Added Preservatives.

Ground daily in small batches

Idli dosa batter is a fermented batter made of idli rice and whole (or split) urad dal.
It used to make idli (soft, steamed rice cakes) or dosa (savory crispy crepes).
Idli and dosa are a specialty of South India, and are versatile enough to be enjoyed as a healthy breakfast food, lunch or dinner.


Kodo millet Little millet Barnyard millet Browntop Millet Foxtail Millet Poongar rice Black rice Brown Rice Red Rice Mapillai Samba Thooyamalli Rice  Bitter gourd chutney powder Flax Seeds chutney powder Drumstick leaf chutney powder Garlic Chilli Gun powder Soft spice gun powder Ghee  Coldpressed Pure and Organic Coconut Oil Coldpressed Pure and Organic Sesame Oil Coldpressed Pure and Organic Groundnut Oil   weight loss food diabetic control food


Kodo millet Little millet Barnyard millet Browntop Millet Foxtail Millet Poongar rice Black rice Brown Rice Red Rice Mapillai Samba Thooyamalli Rice  Bitter gourd chutney powder Flax Seeds chutney powder Drumstick leaf chutney powder Garlic Chilli Gun powder Soft spice gun powder Ghee  Coldpressed Pure and Organic Coconut Oil Coldpressed Pure and Organic Sesame Oil Coldpressed Pure and Organic Groundnut Oil   weight loss food diabetic control food

Country sugar, or unprocessed sugar is broadly referred to as as Nattu Sakkarai in southern India.
Country sugar is the broken-down
type of Jaggery, which is totally unadulterated and 100% pure. There are numerous well being advantages that one can achieve by utilizing Jaggery powder as an alternative of White sugar.

Few benefits are it cleanses our body, acts as digestive agent, and used as a face scrub alongside wild raw honey. Replacing sugar with jaggery cuts the bad effects of sugar. It helps in digestion, is a rich source of iron and antioxidants and aids in weight loss as it replaces the empty calories from sugar. Switch from refined white sugar to organic country sugar.

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  • Sugarcane will be cut into pieces by removing the leaves and taken to the processing place.

  • They are fed into crushing machine where the juice will be extracted.

  • The extracted sugarcane juice will be filtered to remove any dust particles and it will be directly stored in a big barrel.

  • The vessel with sugarcane juice will be heated under high temperature until sugar gets sedimented and the water evaporates.

  • This process will be continued until sugar reaches semi solid state.

  • The heating process will be monitored regularly and when the sugar reaches semi solid state the process will be stopped.

  • Sugarcane will be cut into pieces by removing the leaves and taken to the processing place.

  • They are fed into crushing machine where the juice will be extracted.


  • The extracted sugarcane juice will be filtered to remove any dust particles and it will be directly stored in a big barrel.

  • The vessel with sugarcane juice will be heated under high temperature until sugar gets sedimented and the water evaporates.

  • This process will be continued until sugar reaches semi solid state.

  • The heating process will be monitored regularly and when the sugar reaches semi solid state the process will be stopped.

Kodo millet Little millet Barnyard millet Browntop Millet Foxtail Millet Poongar rice Black rice Brown Rice Red Rice Mapillai Samba Thooyamalli Rice  Bitter gourd chutney powder Flax Seeds chutney powder Drumstick leaf chutney powder Garlic Chilli Gun powder Soft spice gun powder Ghee  Coldpressed Pure and Organic Coconut Oil Coldpressed Pure and Organic Sesame Oil Coldpressed Pure and Organic Groundnut Oil   weight loss food diabetic control food

Palm jaggery is made out of palm sap(juice) tapped from inflorescence of the tree The collected palm juice is sifted and simmered in a large vessel for further than 2 hours. The puree gets thicker and then becomes thicker before even being formed into the shape desired.

It's been found that regular intake of palm jaggery enhances gut health. The sweetener helps promote normal bowel moves and detoxifies the system by initiating enzymes. Cold and cough are the most prevalent illnesses reassured by palm jaggery. Palm jaggery is full of nutrients like iron, folic acid, potassium, and calcium,has the least GI and is an established cough and cold cure.

Palm jaggery is rich in iron and it increases hemoglobin and treats anemia if consumed regularly. It is rich in magnesium and helps to regulate the nervous system. Presence of calcium helps to build and maintain strong bones. It also contains potassium which boosts heart health, decreases cramps and has several other benefits as well. It boosts the immune system and thus prevents several blood-related and other disorders.

Palm jaggery is an excellent substitute for white sugar. As compared to white sugar that is devoid of nutrients, palm jaggery is a nutritious sweetener. All the phytonutrients of white sugar get flushed out during processing. Apart from its sweet taste, it contains no nutrient. On the other hand, jaggery is processed without any chemicals or artificial ingredients. So, it is a healthy and natural sweetener.

Palm jaggery is the most beneficial and nutrient-rich variety of raw jaggery. It is prepared from palm tree extract and is loaded with minerals and vitamins. 


Ragi is a healthy grain and nutritious food for babies. It's known as finger millet in English, ragi in Kannada, mandika in Hindi, panji pullu in Malayalam, ragulu in Telugu, and kelvaragu or Keppai in Tamil.

Ragi is a gluten-free grain that is associated with several health benefits. Finger millet has gained immense popularity over

Ragi is one of the most beneficial millets. Sprouting it and making flour increases
the health benefits many folds. The process of germination breaks down some of the starch, making it more nutrient-rich. 
It also reduces phytates (anti-nutrients), helping in the absorption of nutrients. 

Kodo millet Little millet Barnyard millet Browntop Millet Foxtail Millet Poongar rice Black rice Brown Rice Red Rice Mapillai Samba Thooyamalli Rice  Bitter gourd chutney powder Flax Seeds chutney powder Drumstick leaf chutney powder Garlic Chilli Gun powder Soft spice gun powder Ghee  Coldpressed Pure and Organic Coconut Oil Coldpressed Pure and Organic Sesame Oil Coldpressed Pure and Organic Groundnut Oil   weight loss food diabetic control food
Kodo millet Little millet Barnyard millet Browntop Millet Foxtail Millet Poongar rice Black rice Brown Rice Red Rice Mapillai Samba Thooyamalli Rice  Bitter gourd chutney powder Flax Seeds chutney powder Drumstick leaf chutney powder Garlic Chilli Gun powder Soft spice gun powder Ghee  Coldpressed Pure and Organic Coconut Oil Coldpressed Pure and Organic Sesame Oil Coldpressed Pure and Organic Groundnut Oil   weight loss food diabetic control food

The entire process of sprouting, drying, and grinding may take 4-5 days but it is mostly resting time. 
Although sprouting ragi and making flour from it takes time, it is the best way to eat ragi.
Ragi can be used to prepare porridge's, idli, dosa, pancake, cookies, cakes, milkshakes, and so much more!!

Preparation Process:

  • Washing the Ragi(upto 4-5 times) by rubbing well with your hands

  • Soaking the ragi in clean water for 12 hours

  • Then the water completely drained and ragi to a clean white cloth for sprouting

  • Sprouting make require 24hrs-72hrs

  • Sun-dry for 1-2 days or until it is fully dry and there is no moisture content

  • LIghtly Dry roast the Ragi and Get it ground in a Flour Mill

Ragi for Babies
Especially for babies, Ragi porridge would be their first semi-solid food when they are 5-6 months old. Ragi can be given to babies from 6 months after introducing a few vegetable purees or fruit purees and rice. When you introduce Ragi to your baby, you can make ragi porridge with extracted milk from whole ragi millet orplain ragi porridge with homemade ragi flour.  Make sure to cook the ragi thoroughly for at least 10 minutes; otherwise, it may result in loose motion in babies.

Start with this 1 tbsp of ragi porridge and check whether the baby shows an allergic reaction. 
Check it for three days, and if the baby is not allergic to it, you can increase the amount gradually. 
Once the baby is doing good with it, you can combine with other foods and introduce other ragi recipes.


Ragi is loaded with calcium hence strengthen the bones, teeth of growing babies, and kids. Best non-dairy source of calcium for kids with milk allergies.
Rich in dietary fiber which helps in preventing constipation in children and ensures easier digestion.
Contains good fats, so it helps in healthy weight gain in babies and toddlers.
Ragi is an energy food that keeps the babies and kids active throughout a day.
It's naturally gluten-free and less allergenic, therefore suitable for babies and kids with a gluten allergy.
Ragi contains the right amount of iron, which prevents and cures anemia in children.
Contains the right amount of proteins, amino acids & minerals, which is particularly beneficial for vegetarian kids.
Rich in antioxidants prevents and helps to fight against infections.
Ragi is believed to reduce body heat, so its ideal for babies during summer.


FLAX SEEDS - Raw & Unroasted

Flax seeds are small oil seeds that contain omega-3 fats, fiber, and other plant compounds. They may help improve digestion and reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.

Flax seeds (Linum usitatissimum) — also known as common flax or linseeds — are small oil seeds that originated in the Middle East thousands of years ago.

Lately, they have gained popularity as a health food. This is due to their high content of heart-healthy omega-3 fats, fiber, and other unique plant compounds 

Kodo millet Little millet Barnyard millet Browntop Millet Foxtail Millet Poongar rice Black rice Brown Rice Red Rice Mapillai Samba Thooyamalli Rice  Bitter gourd chutney powder Flax Seeds chutney powder Drumstick leaf chutney powder Garlic Chilli Gun powder Soft spice gun powder Ghee  Coldpressed Pure and Organic Coconut Oil Coldpressed Pure and Organic Sesame Oil Coldpressed Pure and Organic Groundnut Oil   weight loss food diabetic control food

Flax seeds have been linked to health benefits, such as improved digestion and a reduced risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. They’re easily incorporated into your diet — grinding them is the best way to make the most of their health benefits. Flax seeds are usually brown or yellow. They’re sold whole, ground/milled, or roasted — and are often processed into flax seed oil.

Dry Ginger Herbal Powder - Sukkumalli Powder

Dry Ginger Herbal powder
Cafeidly Healthy & Natural Sukku Malli\
(dry ginger herbal) powder

Excellent Home Remedy For Cold, Cough, Indigestion, Headache, Sore Throat

Ingredients: Dry Ginger, Pepper , 
Cumin, Cinnamon, Cardamom, coriander Seeds, Cloves

Instructions:Boil water, add cafeidly sukku coffee powder, give a quick stir.
Add jaggery, crystallized palm sugar and mix well. Allow it to boil for 3-5 mins.
Then strain through metal strainer and serve hot Sukku Coffee.


Cafemillets delivers Natural & Healthy foods like Unpolished Rice, Unpolished Millets, Cold Pressed Oils, Country Sugar, Palm Jaggery, Flax Seeds. Dry chutney powder, Ragi flour, Ghee etc across India

Sukku Malli Coffee or Sukku Tea as its called is the one of the best home remedies used commonly in Tamil households. It aids in digestion, helps reduce cough and headache. 


In Tamil, Sukku means "Dry Ginger"  and

Coriander Seeds is known as

"Kothamalli" and in short it's called

"Malli". So this concoction is known as

either Sukku Coffee or Sukku Malli Coffee.

Sukku Coffee – There is no coffee in it

and I do not know why people called it

coffee when it actually is a form of tea.

my wild guess is since in those days,

coffee was made by boiling hot water

and then adding coffee powder

& sweetener. Simmer it for a few mins

and strain ! Preparation of sukku coffee 
is almost similar. Instead of coffee

powder here we use Dry Ginger Herbal

powder, so to differentiate this from actual coffee, it might be called "Sukku Coffee".

Cafemillets delivers Natural & Healthy foods like Unpolished Rice, Unpolished Millets, Cold Pressed Oils, Country Sugar, Palm Jaggery, Flax Seeds. Dry chutney powder, Ragi flour, Ghee etc across India

Health Mix (sathu maavu) - Home made


22 ingredients used :
Unpolished grains - Foxtail, Ragi, Red rice, Wheat, Sorghum, Barley, Bajra Cereals & lentils - Horse gram, Corn ,Toor Dhal, Chick Peas- brown, Roasted Gram , Green gram, Poppy seeds, Sabudana(Javvarisi), Soya Dry fruits - Almonds, Groundnuts ,Cashew, Dry Dates Spices : Cardamom,Dry ginger.

All grains are cleaned,dry roasted and locally ground.

INSTRUCTIONS: Mix 2 tablespoons(30gms) of Health mix with 300ml of water without lumps. cook the mixture for 10 minutes in low flame while stirring continously. Add natural sweeter/salt/black pepper powder as per taste . You can add it to flour to make Roti/chappati


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Honey - From Bee-keepers of plains of Salem,TN

Pure salem Honey

Honey sourced from the bee keepers and not from other FMCG companies. Honey is from native bee(cerana indica) found in tha plains of salem, TN. The nectar is collected and harvested by native bee-keepers and extracted using natural methods.

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